
Cryptocurrency exchange API.

Integrate WizardSwap into any web application – our public API is here for your users to make fast and limitless cryptocurrency swaps. Make your own exchange or aggregator.

Using an API key is optional at this time. IP's deemed abusive will be banned.

Sign-up for an API key. You will earn 1% on every swap completed with your API key.


With listed methods you can get information about available currencies and pairs.

GET List of supported currencies

Successful response

Returns an array of objects. Each object contains information about currency.

Key Type Description
symbol String Currency ticker symbol in lower case
has_extra_id Boolean true if a currency has an Extra ID
extra_id String | null Extra ID name (if exists)
name String Currency name
warnings_from Array. <String> Warning messages if you exchange this currency. For example, the type of blockchain platform that we support for this currency
warnings_to Array. <String> Warning messages if you receive this currency. For example, the type of blockchain platform that we support for this currency
validation_address String | null Regexp to verify the correctness of the currency address
validation_extra String | null Regexp to validate Extra ID
address_explorer String | null Template of a link to the blockchain explorer for the wallet address
tx_explorer String | null Template of a link to the blockchain explorer for the transaction hash
image String Currency logo url



GET Currency information

Successful response

Return an object with currency information.

symbol String Currency ticker symbol in lower case
has_extra_id Boolean true if a currency has an Extra ID
extra_id String | null Extra ID name (if exists)
name String Currency name
warnings_from Array. <String> Warning messages if you exchange this currency. For example, the type of blockchain platform that we support for this currency
warnings_to Array. <String> Warning messages if you receive this currency. For example, the type of blockchain platform that we support for this currency
validation_address String | null Regexp to verify the correctness of the currency address
validation_extra String | null Regexp to validate Extra ID
address_explorer String | null Template of a link to the blockchain explorer for the wallet address
tx_explorer String | null Template of a link to the blockchain explorer for the transaction hash
image String Currency logo url


symbol Ticker symbol in lower case. Example: btc

GET Pairs available

Successful response

Returns all available exchange pairs.

<symbol> Array.< String> List of all available exchange pairs for each ticker



GET Currency available pairs

Successful response

Return an object with currency information.

<symbol> Array.< String> List of all available exchange pairs for each ticker


symbol Ticker symbol in lower case. Example: btc

GET Available liquidity for all pairs

Successful response

Return an object with liquidity information.

<symbol> Array.< Float> List of all available liquidity for each pair



GET Available liquidity pair

Successful response

Return an object with liquidity information.

<symbol> Array.< Float> List of all available liquidity for each pair


Currency_from Ticker symbol in lower case. Example: btc
Currency_to Ticker symbol in lower case. Example: xmr


With listed methods you can get information about available currencies and pairs.

POST Get exchange rate for pair.

cURL examples:

Request body description

currency_from String Base currency ticker in lowercase
currency_to String Quote currency ticker in lowercase
amount_from String Amount in base currency
api_key String User API key to earn referral fees.

Successful response

Returns a float for the amount to be received to currency_to.

amount_to Float Estimated amount to be received.



POST Create new exchange

cURL examples:

When creating an exchange, you have 15 minutes to send a deposit.

Request body description

currency_from String Base currency ticker in lowercase
currency_to String Quote currency ticker in lowercase
address_to String Recipient blockchain address
amount_from String Amount in base currency
refund_address String Refund address (optional)
extra_id_to String Recipient address Extra ID for currencies that require it (optional)
refund_extra_id String Refund Extra ID (optional)
api_key String User API key to earn referral fees.

Successful response

Returns an object with created exchange information.

id String Exchange ID. Unique exchange identifier
type String Exchange rate type. Only floating type available
timestamp ISOString Exchange creation date and time
updated_at ISOString Date and time of the last exchange update
currency_from String Base currency ticker in lowercase
currency_to String Quote currency ticker in lowercase
amount_from String Amount in the base currency that exactly was sent by the user
expected_amount String Amount in the base currency that we expect to receive (the amount specified in the request body)
amount_to String Expected amount in quote currency that the user will receive
address_from String Blockchain address to send the base currency to
address_to String Recipient blockchain address
extra_id_from String Generated automatically. May be an empty string if there is no Extra ID. If not, the user must send the transaction with an Extra ID, otherwise, the transaction will not be confirmed
extra_id_to String Recipient address Extra ID specified in the request body. May be an empty string if there is no Extra ID
tx_from String Transaction hash for the currency which you specified in field currency_from
tx_to String Transaction hash for the currency which you specified in field currency_to
status String Exchange status, one of: waiting, confirming, exchanging, sending, finished, failed, refunded, verifying (????)
refund_address String Blockchain address to return the base currency if the exchange status is failed
refund_extra_id String Refund Extra ID for the base currency if the exchange status is failed
currencies Object Currency information for base and quote currencies



GET Retrieve exchange

Returns information about the exchange with the provided id.

Successful response

Returns an object with created exchange information.

id String Exchange ID. Unique exchange identifier
type String Exchange rate type. Only floating type available
timestamp ISOString Exchange creation date and time
updated_at ISOString Date and time of the last exchange update
currency_from String Base currency ticker in lowercase
currency_to String Quote currency ticker in lowercase
amount_from String Amount in the base currency that exactly was sent by the user
expected_amount String Amount in the base currency that we expect to receive (the amount specified in the request body)
amount_to String Expected amount in quote currency that the user will receive
address_from String Blockchain address to send the base currency to
address_to String Recipient blockchain address
extra_id_from String Generated automatically. May be an empty string if there is no Extra ID. If not, the user must send the transaction with an Extra ID, otherwise, the transaction will not be confirmed
extra_id_to String Recipient address Extra ID specified in the request body. May be an empty string if there is no Extra ID
tx_from String Transaction hash for the currency which you specified in field currency_from
tx_to String Transaction hash for the currency which you specified in field currency_to
status String Exchange status, one of: waiting, confirming, exchanging, sending, finished, failed, refunded, verifying (????)
refund_address String Blockchain address to return the base currency if the exchange status is failed
refund_extra_id String Refund Extra ID for the base currency if the exchange status is failed
currencies Object Currency information for base and quote currencies


id (Required) Exchange ID